What is Candomblé?

junho 21, 2024


Candomblé is a religion with roots in West Africa that has been practiced in Brazil for centuries. It is a syncretic religion that combines elements of African traditions with Catholicism and indigenous beliefs. In this glossary, we will explore the history, beliefs, rituals, and practices of Candomblé in depth.

History of Candomblé

Candomblé originated in the African diaspora, brought to Brazil by enslaved Africans during the transatlantic slave trade. It is believed to have originated in the Yoruba region of Nigeria and was brought to Brazil by enslaved people from the Yoruba, Fon, and Bantu ethnic groups. Over time, Candomblé evolved and adapted to its new environment, incorporating elements of Catholicism and indigenous beliefs.

Beliefs and Deities

Central to Candomblé are the beliefs in Orishas, or deities, that represent different aspects of nature and human life. These Orishas are worshipped through rituals, songs, and dances. Each Orisha has its own characteristics, symbols, and colors, and devotees may have a special connection to one or more Orishas.

Rituals and Practices

Rituals in Candomblé are elaborate and colorful, often involving music, dance, and offerings to the Orishas. Initiates undergo a series of ceremonies to connect with their Orisha and receive their blessings. These ceremonies are led by priests and priestesses known as Babalorixas and Iyalorixas.

Community and Traditions

Candomblé is a communal religion, with devotees coming together in houses of worship known as terreiros. These terreiros serve as spiritual centers where rituals, ceremonies, and celebrations take place. Candomblé also has a rich oral tradition, with stories, songs, and proverbs passed down through generations.

Persecution and Resilience

Throughout its history, Candomblé has faced persecution and discrimination, both in Brazil and beyond. Enslaved Africans were forced to practice their religion in secret, blending it with Catholicism to avoid detection. Today, Candomblé continues to face challenges, but its practitioners remain resilient and dedicated to preserving their traditions.

Impact and Influence

Candomblé has had a significant impact on Brazilian culture, influencing music, dance, art, and literature. Its vibrant rituals and colorful costumes have become iconic symbols of Brazilian identity. Candomblé has also inspired movements for social justice and equality, advocating for the rights of Afro-Brazilian communities.

Controversies and Misconceptions

Despite its rich history and cultural significance, Candomblé has often been misunderstood and misrepresented. It has been falsely associated with black magic, witchcraft, and other negative stereotypes. In reality, Candomblé is a peaceful and spiritual religion that promotes harmony with nature and respect for all beings.

Global Spread and Recognition

In recent years, Candomblé has gained recognition and respect on the global stage, with practitioners and scholars from around the world studying its traditions and practices. Candomblé has also inspired artists, writers, and activists to explore themes of identity, spirituality, and resistance.

Challenges and Opportunities

As Candomblé continues to evolve and adapt to modern times, it faces new challenges and opportunities. Practitioners are working to preserve their traditions while also engaging with contemporary issues such as environmental conservation, social justice, and human rights. Candomblé remains a vibrant and dynamic religion that continues to inspire and empower its followers.


In conclusion, Candomblé is a rich and complex religion with deep roots in African traditions and Brazilian culture. Its beliefs, rituals, and practices reflect a profound connection to nature, community, and spirituality. By exploring the history and significance of Candomblé, we can gain a greater appreciation for its contributions to the world and its enduring legacy of resilience and resistance.

Tatiana Cesso

As a journalist, I've made it my mission to explore and share stories that inspire, inform, and entertain. You may have stumbled upon my work in esteemed publications such as InStyle, Marie Claire, Bazaar, L’Officiel, and Vogue, among others. Having called the U.S. home since 2010, I've lived in Chicago, LA, and currently, Miami. But my heart always beats to the rhythm of Brazil. It's where I was born and raised, and my love for its culture, people, and energy knows no bounds. To share this passion, I've founded Brazilcore, a platform aimed at bridging the gap between Brazil and English speakers worldwide.